Monday, January 11, 2010

Puritans in Plymouth

This is a picture of the Pilgrims in Plymouth colony

-in December 1620 a group of English settlers founded Plymouth colony in Massachusetts

-The people who settled here were called Pilgrims. This was because they came to the New World.

-Plymouth colony was the second permanent colony that was settled by the English

-Approximately one third of the original settlers who settled in Plymouth came to look for religious freedom and were Puritans

-Pilgrims were English Separatist Puritans

-Despite the fact that their colony did not have a royal charter, it kept it's separate status until 1691

-The Pilgrims could settle in America because of the right from the London Company

-They came to America on the Mayflower

Above is a picture of the ship the Mayflower which the Pilgrims traveled in to reach America

-the Mayflower was supposed to bring the Pilgrims to Virginia Colony, but it failed to reach there because of storms

- Instead, the ship traveled north and the Pilgrims were not in the region that was governed by British rule

-Before landing, the Pilgrims signed the Mayflower contract, which helped form the idea of the people having a voice in how they were ruled

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