Thursday, January 14, 2010

Puritan Legacy

The legacy of the Pilgrims can be seen in the education, Plymouth Rock, in Salem, the Mayflower replica, the US's political system, work ethic, and immigrant dreams. For example, both Puritans and immigrants hoped that life would be better for those who came to America. In addition, the Puritan work ethic is still used today, teaching that hard work will bring good rewards. Also, many old colleges such as Harvard, Yale, and Dartmouth were founded by the Puritans. Although there are no Ivy League schools associated with only one religion, they started out as a place to train Christian missionaries. The Puritans were also the ones to accuse people during the Salem Witch Trials. Lastly, you can still see Plymouth Rock if you visit Plymouth, Massachusetts, which is where the first Pilgrims (English Separatists Puritans) landed in America.

Above is a picture of the Mayflower replica

Picture of Plymouth Rock

Picture of Old Harvard College founded by the Puritans

Yale College, also founded by the Puritans

Salem witch museum in Massachusetts

It is also because of the Puritans that some celebrate Thanksgiving today

The Puritans affected America a lot and left a great big legacy behind them. One of these things they left behind were religion. There were Puritan missionaries trying to convert natives to the religion of Christianity. They also brought over things from Europe. Like tools and weapons for example. The Puritans believed in working hard and getting rewarded for it. They certainly changed America in a huge way. That is how I think the Puritans left a legacy behind in America.

By the final years of the seventeenth century, the influence of Puritanism in New England was fading. The religion would never completely lost its distinctively Puritan character, but by 1700, Puritanism's hold over the social, religious, and political life of New England as increasingly challenged by other ideas and values.