Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Coming to the "New World"

-John Winthrop (1588-1649) was the leader of the first Puritans to Massachusetts Bay, New England in 1630

-They arrived on a ship named the Arabella

-Some of the first to come to America for a better life
-immigrants (a person who comes to a country where they were not born to settle there)

-They were not poor; majority were farmers, lawyers, merchants, or well-educated ministers

-They liked being connected to religious and political leaders of England

-Thought of New England as a place where they could practice/make their own religion and governments

-They could experiment with different church structures/state government

-Wanted to be models of reform to other places in the world including England

-Winthrop:Founder of Massachusetts Bay colony and elected for four terms as governer

-Believed in theocracy
-form of government that combines the church and state rules together
-a significant part is the importance of community over self benefit

-Some other Puritan leaders agreed with these ides

-Example:John Cotton and John Harvard who, in 1638 founded Harvard College, Richard Matther and his son Cotton

-Created churches all over New England
-example:in Boston, Newton/now Cambridge in Massachusetts or Hartford and New Haven, Connecticut


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